Find here all the necessary details concerning Q's price lists.
All prices include 24% V.A.T.
Billing in increments of 1 second, except for calls abroad, where billing is per minute.
No minimum call duration, except for calls abroad, where minimum call duration is one minute.
The billing step that applies when talk time is consumed via prepaid international bundles remains as is.
The airtime value available from the activation date is valid for 2 months, and the NOVA prepaid connection pack is valid for 12 months. If the preloaded airtime is not consumed within the predefined validity period of 2 months, the remaining airtime is deleted automatically.
Once the predefined SIM validity period of 4 months has expired and no actions are performed ever since, outgoing calls are barred automatically. Since the barring date, you have another 35 days to renew your airtime, otherwise, your prepaid number is automatically deleted.
National calls ("To All"), concern calls to all greek network mobile numbers (69ΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧ) and to all geographic numbers of greek fixed line networks (2ΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧΧ). It does not concern call to non-geographic numbers (such as: short codes, personal voicemail, telephone directory services, etc.)
To use the MB, from the embedded usage of activated prepaid bundles or offers, you must have at least €0.01 to your balance.
A fee of €0.30 is applied for every recharge
Q can readjust the above pricelist, by publishing the new rates in the daily press.
Subscribers who have been activated before 30/01/2007 will be charged based on current pricelist
SMS charges are applied at the time of their sending, regardless of their delivery to the recipient. The charge concerns the sending of the SMS to the remaining mobile and fixed telephony networks. The successful delivery report received by the Q Card subscriber for sending an SMS from a Q Card mobile to an OTE fixed telephony subscriber regards delivery of the message to OTE's fixed network and not to OTE's fixed device.
MMS charges are applied at the time of their sending, regardless of their delivery to the recipient.
If you’re an old Q subscriber (from before 30/01/2007) and you want to benefit from additional privileges, simply send an SMS to 12007.